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What is the difference between dark and light colors of printable heat transfer film1.
DATE:2023-12-10   VISITORS:146

   What is the difference between dark and light colors of printable heat transfer film1. Different applicable fabrics:
Light colored printable lettering film suitable for: white and light colored fabrics.
Dark printable lettering film is suitable: light/dark fabric with good coverage.
2. Different thicknesses:
Light color printable engraving film thickness: 0.04-0.06mmDark printable lettering film thickness: 0.11-0.13mm3. Different materials:
Light colored printable lettering film has three layers: PET film, printing film, PE protective film. Dark colored printable lettering film only has two layers: PET film, printing film. 4. Different operating procedures:
Light color printable lettering film:
PET film facing downwards → Tear off PE protective film → Mirror printing → Waste disposal → Heat transfer to dark printable lettering film:
PET film face down → print front pattern → dispose of waste → repeat → heat transfer

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